Thursday, February 28, 2008

Watch me unravel, I'll soon be naked...

and no, you don't have to hold this thread as I walk away...I already did it myself. Yes, the dark and tragic truth is that I frogged not one, but two sweaters this past week.

First things first, though...Weezer makes me smile, and feel warmly nostalgic. Truly they put on one of the better shows I've ever been to. Can I have their adorableness, please, for my very own?

And even more firstly than that, I spent a fantastic weekend with the fantastical Jacey Boggs and her gorgeous, sweet-as-pie family, working on the not-so-secret-anymore project...check out her blog for detailed vaguery...and pictures! I, alas, did not bring my camera, but that's another story I will relate in a moment. Anyway, we played with wool, we giggled and exhausted ourselves with late nights. I only wish I could have spent more down-time with the fam and Jodi Green and all the other fabulous people involved in the project. I was, however, preoccupied with a sudden case of porn-star boobs...I hadn't really thought about the fact that five days away from my boy meant immediate cold-turkey weaning and a super-swollen pair of milkmaids. I just didn't think he'd been nursing enough lately for it to really bother me, but hoo boy was I wrong. But, I was saved from the misery of infection by a breast pump and about a gallon-and-a-half of sage/spearmint tea. I didn't see much of Baltimore, but I would like to, and have this funny feeling I'll be going back down again soon...

Home now, and we've managed to commit to the weaning, with very few tears and lots of snuggles. Now, he asks to 'hold them,' and for now, I'm fine with that.

So...why no pictures? I realized that much of my discontent since we've been in Vermont is due to several missing limbs. It's like we got here and promptly became zombies, dropping chunks of ourselves, going through the motions with no real direction. A big chunk of me, before we lived here, was my photography. And since I'm trying to collect all the fallen bits and glue them back on, I have taken my film SLR from it's coffin in the closet and resurrected it. The project is one shot each day. Just one moment of our life, whether it is a portrait, a landscape, a staged piece or candid shot. Perhaps I'll just grab the camera and snap, or maybe I'll spend an hour setting something up. Since I do not have a lab at my disposal here, and I didn't bring the enlarger to Vermont, I will be sending my film off to a lab in Boston to be hand-developed. That part of it feels a little strange, as I used to love processing, but just bringing my preferred visual-arts medium back into my life in some way is a big step towards feeling like a whole person again. So, I felt like I needed to put down the digital for a while. It has given me some bad habits, and I'll have to get used to the idea of not being able to just delete all the crap, and so for a while, I will only be using it for things that I want or need to post either to my website or journal. I knew there would be lots of folks taking pics this past weekend, so I didn't mind leaving the digital behind.

More later. Time to do some things with my day.
Happy Thursday!

This is, btw, my first doubling-up. I will now be cross-posting here from my LJ.