Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I turned it all off until this morning, and now I can't wipe the smile off my face. It's going to be hard to drink my tea. Of course, I tuned into LJ first and foremost...I knew you guys would all have the skinny.

Thanks to all who Rocked it yesterday.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's the little things...

Yes, I just discovered I could change the settings on my system preferences to enable a right-click with my track pad. Very exciting, this!

So now, even though I have no idea where my mouse is, I can show you THIS:


Could we look any more unimpressed with our costume? Hmmm?
Actually, he had a lot of fun in it, and I got a little taste of what my mom would probably call "payback" for all the ridiculous sewing I made her do for my Halloween costumes through the years. I sewed pieces of felt to his wool balaclava, whilst trying to make sure I'll be able to take it all apart later (as the balaclava is an essential item in a child's wardrobe about eight months out of the year here), and ran wire through the ears. The intention was to be able to pose the ears in a floppy way, but they were so hilarious standing straight up that I just had to leave them that way.

Most of the time, though, he wore this face, so it was all worth it:

C and I looked like this:

We didn't scare anyone.

In practical, everyday costuming, I'm working on something purty for the poppet:

It's a cozy sweater, and when it's finished (almost!), I will be exceedingly envious of the warm little bean. I played with some Fibonacci inspired striping...the Little Guy has promised a short photo session once it's finished, as I'm sure it will be the only un-stained, perfect moment in the life of this sweater.
Mine is up next, but I'm trying something new: Finishing What I Start. I imagine a sense of completion is a rather comforting thing. There are currently six projects on needles right now, and I'll be ticking them all off this month, even as I bust my arse for the BBB and various local holiday craft events.
I let myself off the hook and celebrated the end of Farmer's Market season by taking a week off. Technically, I did do some carding today, and some listing earlier in the week, but myself and my wheel have rested...probably a silly thing to do with the holiday season fast approaching, but I figure I'll have a fresh new bee in my bonnet and will quickly make up for the down-time.

There are things moving, but more on that later. In the meantime I need to figure out how I'm going to get my sauerkraut going when there is not a spot in my house consistently above 60 degrees. Yikes. And brrrrrrrr....

Feeling Festive


I made a set of Halloween yarns a couple weeks ago, and it's taken me this long to finally put them up on Etsy. So much for following the retail guidelines for holiday products. Oh, well. It will still be pretty after Halloween. And it will make stripes. I love stripes.

Sorry for the bad pic, but the camera is DYING and I don't feel like spending twenty minutes trying to get a decent photo anymore. Post Baz Biz I am investing in a new rig.

And I couldn't resist making another Button Hat. This one is more of Pillbox style, made with a very coily yarn:

Tooooooooooo much going on. But, I have my weekends back until the end of November. Well, sort of. No market, but I am working some short shifts at the LYS, which I LOVE.
More later.

Oh, and I feel like I hardly post at all anymore, but the Diva of Embellishment herself nominated me for an award...thanks, Cosy!

“As with most blog awards, this one comes with a “to do” list. Here’s how it works. I must answer a list of questions with one word…on the surface that sounds pretty easy, but I’m not so sure. Here goes…”

The questions are as follows:
1. Where is your cell phone? shrug
2. Where is your significant other? sleeping
3. Your hair color? mouse
4. Your mother? crazycatlady
5. Your father? adorable
6. Your favorite thing? wool
7. Your dream last night? empty
8. Your dream/goal? joy
9. The room you’re in? warm
10. Your hobby? making
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? woods
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you’re not? confident
15. One of your wish-list items? loom
16. Where you grew up? burbs
17. The last thing you did? uploaded
18. What are you wearing? wool
19. Your TV? never
20. Your pet? weirdo
21. Your computer? portable
22. Your mood? yawn
23. Missing someone? always
24. Your car? old
25. Something you’re not wearing? watch
26. Favorite store? outdoor
27. Your summer? wet
28. Love someone? absolutely
29. Your favorite color? aster
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? recently

I think I'm supposed to nominate people now...
But, I'm not very good with blogging rules, and I have trouble picking favorites when it comes to anything. Except colors. And dinosaurs.
Anyway, can I pick all my LJ friends? Because I love you all