Monday, July 21, 2008

tap, tappity

...waiting for C, who has just driven to the edge of the Earth to purchase and bring home...get this: our first tractor.

The tiller attachment is our promise to fulfill the dream we had when we first moved here. The dream we near gave up on as debts mounted and a simple life seemed unattainable in the face of our utter lack of resources.
Turning tail and heading home was apparently never an option, as our house languished on the market for almost a year and a half. All dreaming and scheming was suspended as we waited in limbo for something to happen. Of course, all that did happen was that life passed us by.
Now that the decision has been made to take the house off the market, it is like the blinders have been removed, the clouds have parted, etc., etc. Where before, all we saw were burdens and obstacles, we see limitless potential and old ideas we had when we first arrived are starting to bob to the surface, ready to be explored anew.

Suddenly, a viable market garden seems entirely within the realm of possibility for next year's growing season. We have already ordered several pounds of seed garlic for planting this fall, and a new Farmer's Market has opened up this year within bicycling distance of our house!

So...things are looking up, although we have a LOT to learn. This year's garden comes with a steep learning curve. Next year, we need to order a shitload of praying mantis because we are overrun with nasty, reproducing japanese beetles who are eating us out of most of our greenery. But, they seem to be leaving our baby broccoli alone:

Isn't it cute?

And here is the progress on the bean teepee:

Yes, the little dude is wearing ear protection. No, I don't know why. Perhaps he is anticipating loud rides on the new-used tractor.

Oh, and here's some yarn:


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