Sunday, March 9, 2008

Felt and Cookie

okay, so the snow wasn't so was the biting wind that nearly prevented me from taking pictures of the new spring-length Nuno scarves...but I braved it, oh yes. I thought my fingers were going to fall off, so yarn pics are put off until later in the week (or until I can figure out how to get decent shots with my homemade lightbox).
Here we go:

I chose this name for the scarf because I nearly tossed away my wedding ring when I opened up this bag of squishy-gorgeous merino locks from Holly EQQ. Yes, they were that purty. They're all mashed up with some gray silk chiffon. 'Spring-length' means 40 inches, as opposed to my usual 50-60 inches. I prefer this length, so may just keep going with it unless somebody complains...makes them a bit less spendy, as well as being darned cute.

Iris II
More beauteous wool from Holly. This time paired with lime green and chocolate brown silk chiffon strips.

Organically-raised merino blend wool with a bit of black corriedale lamb, chocolate brown and pin-stripe silk chiffon.

Okay, that does me in for the night.

Oh, but wait...funny story, for reals: We've been reading through The Sesame Street Library since the little guy is totally obsessed with numbers and letters right now. C does a hilarious, and quite accurate Cookie Monster voice. Tom Waits comes on in the music rotation the other day, and the little guy's face lights up as he points to the speaker and says, "COOKIE MONSTER!!!" Now he's the littlest and biggest Tom Waits fan in the universe.

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