Sunday, August 17, 2008

And, it's off...

into the ether

with a prayer to the craft gods

i don't know why this is so important to me

i am hoping third time's a charm

In non-BBB news, I now have a vehicle. This excites me.
[info]misshawklet thought I had dropped off the face of the earth, so I decided it was time to give my blog a little attention. There just hasn't been any Blog Mojo coursing through my veins lately...and it's not that I don't have a plethora of topics to explore...I certainly do think about writing... and then I shake my head and turn to one of a thousand other things I need to do today.

I've been knitting:

And felting:

...whenever there is a moment.

I have been filling consignment orders, for the most part, and working on a commission to spin several pounds of husky dog/wool into three billion skeins of worsted-ish/bulky-ish 2-ply. I didn't realize how hard it would be to spin endless white since I spend so much of my crafting time working with color blending. Yikes. So, I do a little bit here and a little bobbinful there...and it will all get spun eventually. Otherwise, I am squeezing in items and projects for the upcoming Twist Fair. Next on the list is to start embroidering my table cloth/banner. It shouldn't take too long, as I'm talkin' GIANT embroidery with big yarn. Embroiderer I am not, but I think it will be decent enough. It's the color that's important, as my table will be in a corner and not in the main room. Yes, this is a job for safety orange! (you know what I'm talking about [info]supersnackcake!).

I'm looking forward to neighboring with egg-a-go-go and partying like rock stars with [info]sarahcoyne and [info]suncloudedover in our swanky hotel room. Now, I just need about...oh, several more weeks of crafting time, please?

And I just purchased a bucketful of gorgeous silk ribbons from Pink Peppercorns ([info]onfruitstreet) for the to-be-revealed-at-Twist-Fair super-secret project.


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