Friday, September 26, 2008

Better late than memeless...

The rules:
Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
Post that picture with NO editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.

[info]carryboo informed me that a broken isight camera is no excuse not to participate in the self-portrait meme. So, I precariously poised the point-and-shoot on top of the computer and here I am. It's cooooooooold today. I am be-hatted. As much as I wouldn't mind winter holding off for a little while, I very much miss wearing hats during the warm(ish) months. I'm working on a sample hat for the new LYS (Knit or Dye on Main St. in Brattleboro) and am discovering that I really enjoying knitting hats as well as wearing them. I see a giant pile of scrap-yarn hats in my future.

And speaking of the new LYS: I'M SO EXCITED. I'm currently putting together a schedule of classes and workshops I will be teaching, as well as a big order of yarn and batts to be sold there. I'll be doing classes on nuno-felting, wet-felting and needle-felting as well as some wheel-spinning workshops. This means I get to put together spinning and felting kits and get paid to play with them and show people how to do things that make me happy. Yay!

And, because I know you've all been wondering...whatever happened to that Bean Teepee?

Magic Beans, that's what! I harvested all the beans I could before last night's frost. Some were already dried and ready to shell and store, and the others are currently drying on a screen...
I think I have a cup and half so far of tiny white soup beans. We may get three cups total...I guess that's two winter stews worth, so not bad! There are also some scarlet bean runners, but I don't think we'll end up with more than two cups of those...
Note to self: next year, plant MORE beans.

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