Wednesday, December 10, 2008


X-posted from LJ November 16:

...preparing for craft shows and what-not.
Alas, have not had time to think or upload photos of my recent work. Pretty holiday yarns in progress! I am muchly off the radar as the next four weekends in a row have a craft show involved.

BUT, today I have something to report: I taught an awesome class first felting class, and it was so much fun. I wasn't sure how I would enjoy teaching, but I had such eager felters-to-be that any reservations quickly dissolved. This was an Introduction to Felting workshop, and we started with solid-color wet-felted round beads. After we had completed our first bead, my original intention was to work on a multi-colored bead, but I realized we might not get to the fun part, so we jumped right into the swirl or "sushi" beads. It was an hour before our logs were ready to slice, and it was well worth the effort. We anticipated the first slice of each log as if we were cracking open a geode. Indeed, each of us had created a lovely little pile of treasures. Pictures do exist, but they are not on my camera. I will post when I get them!

I have another class scheduled in December that will explore flat felt. If my next group is even half as enthusiastic as today's group was, we'll have a grand time of it. We won't have enough space to lay out entire scarves, so I'm trying to decide between nuno wrist warmers or sewn treasure boxes for our class project.

Here is the line-up:
Saturday, November 22nd: Brattleboro Farmer's Market Annual Thanksgiving Market, 10am-1pm at the Rte. 9 location.
Friday, November 28th: Annual Holiday Craft Fair for the Green Valley School, 10am-4pm at the River Garden on Main St.
Sunday, December 7th: Bazaar Bizarre Boston, Noon-7pm at the Castle at Park Plaza in Boston.
Saturday, December 13th: Brattleboro Farmer's Market Annual Holiday Fair, um...10am-??? at the River Garden on Main St.
Sunday, December 14th: Nuno Felting Workshop, 1pm-4pm at Knit or Dye on Main St. 802-258-9100

To doooooooooo:

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