Wednesday, December 10, 2008

T minus slightly less than 2 days....wheeeee!

X-posted from December 5:

Okay, so I was able to cross a few things off the list...not all things, but I'm pretty pleased with what I've been able to get done whilst also being Mama all week to an insane *ahem* angelic 3-year old...

It really was a little too ambitious, but I like it that way.

Here is what I worked on this morning:

Forgive the bad lighting in the studio, but here's what to look for in front of my table. I'm not done with it, and I'm not entirely sure it will dry by Sunday, but I'll put it by the wood stove (but not too close!) and hope for the best. I forgot how much fun oil pastels are. And hooray for canvas!

I'm about to tackle this:

This is how I need to protect my felt works in progress, as the boy likes to run squealing through the studio...really quite disastrous for pieces that are laid out but not already felted. These stools slide under a little table...back in the BC* days, we used to have dinner and tea on the low table in our tiny apartment. Sigh.

Well, tomorrow I will, weather permitting, get some sneak-preview photographs up...

( New List! )

Okay, felting now.

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