Wednesday, May 28, 2008

things and stuff...

*Kiddo is sick, so update is late. Later today, though, I'll get a few yarns and scarves up in the shoppe.

*Not goin' to Art Star, after all. There was a miscommunication somewheres and my product was not reviewed on our application. It was suggested they could let it slide, but I'm not comfortable with that and I don't think most of the other folks there would be, either. So, go check it out if you're in the Philly area and visit In Hope while you're there. I'm sorry I'm missing the event, but If you're a Bratt local, I will instead be at the regular Saturday Farmer's Market, from 9am - 2pm.

*It's HOT today. I love it. On the menu is building the raised beds for my kitchen garden and getting some seeds in before tonight's rain. *edit: rain, which did NOT happen. Boo.

*I played with felt this weekend:

*I also played with "weeds." Now that the house is on the market again, I have to care about non-edibles. Don't get me wrong, I adore flowers and bees and butterflies and all that good stuff...I just don't care about tending it. I'd rather it get all wild and jungle-y, but apparently that doesn't sell a house. So, out with the bee balm and all the "too much." I'm going to try again to dig up hollyhocks without breaking the taproot, and hope for no more thorns in my fingers (there are rose vines everywhere).

*Here's the yarn I was making while Little Guy colored the walls the other day:

It's much richer in color than the photograph suggests. I have issues with photographing browns and blacks, lately. I promise it's a very yummy chocolate brown, alternately wrapped and corespun. I was going to keep it for myself, but brought it to market and it walked away with someone...

*Lemongrass is my new best friend.

*I've decided to start tagging my entries. I can't ever find anything I want to reference.

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