Wednesday, May 7, 2008

to market, to market

Yes, of course, it rained most of the opening day of the Farmer's Market. We learned a lot about the roof of our structure (needs more). I am currently drying many yarns and scarves before they get stored again. BUT, C built the most gorgeous, amazing booth for me. Roof will be extended in the next couple of days so there won't be any problems on future rainy market days. My camera ran out of batteries (drat!), but I borrowed my booth-neighbor's camera and he will send me the pics so I can post 'em up for you to see...(and so you all can tell me how awesome my sign is that I painted with cheap-o hardware store paintbrushes and old acrylic paint that has been freezing and thawing in the barn for the last few years). Our structure cost a whopping total of $4.97.

Due to the above-mentioned rainy-ness, it was a slow biz day for everyone at market. I wasn't expecting fantastical sales on the first day, anyway, so no worries. I received some lovely compliments that just made it all worth it, even whilst chilled to my damp little bones.

And FYI, hanging out in the open-air of an icy-cold, wet day is not such a brilliant idea when you have the beginnings of another nasty Spring cold coming on. I am feeling much worse than I did this morning...yippee. So, in case I feel too much like garbage tomorrow, I made sure to take pictures of the yarns I will be adding to the shop, in case I need to do my update in my jammies with elderflower tea by my side.
Here is a preview:

I made a bunch of scarves, but not sure if I'll get a chance to photograph them...depends on the weather and if I feel like standing up at all. Right now, I am thinking about a hot water bottle, pillows, a blankie and some chamomile tea.


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